Wednesday 28 March 2012

Life & Its Cycle !! -- Unpredictable & testing !!!

Hey Guys whats up ?? Hope all is well !!!
Well Today is another day to take charge and make a difference in someway or the other right. well this time around just gonna focus on life and talk about it in general once again.
For life the more difficulties one has to encounter, within  and without, the more significant and the higher in inspiration his or her life will be. Life has no smooth roads for any of us (so dnt look for it, anything that comes easily goes easily work for what you wish to have) and in the bracing atmosphere of a high aim the very roughness stimulates the climber to have or develop steadier steps till the legend, over steep ways to the stars, fulfills itself. fall seven times but make sure you stand up eight. nothing of worth cames easy in life as said before, but with the help of God we can. its like the communication cycle with the least bit of noise something can go wrong so with the life cycle with the least bit of doubt and disbelief nothing will happen you will remain stagnant so rise about the shyness and believe in your self make things happen don't wait for it to happen cease the moment after all YOLO -- > you only live once & Only God Can Judge Me !!!

Have a blessed day and a productive week and remember to always say "I CAN".... Later Lexxi @ DEm :)

Monday 26 March 2012

We Believe what we tell Ourselves

Hey guys whats up ?? how are you guys doing today i hope all is well and you guys had a good weekend and a blessed sunday !! firstly just wanna say thanks and give praises to God for enabling us to see another day and to gain never opportunites.
So today is local government .. "yea" well i hope al you guys who are voting followed your mind and the decision that you made will benefit you in the long run as well as your country anyway be safe and remember its always good to let your voice be heard after all remember those people who fought and died to get us the right so yea thumbs up to those of you exerised your right and those of you who didn't i guess you all have your reasons and i respect that.. to each their own !
anyway getting down to the matter as the topic says "we believe what we tell ourselves" yups this is true in my opinion as i think that the mind and the brain or better yet the heart as a dialectic type of relationship we need one to balance out the other this could as be refer to as a reprocity relationship as well.. so if we say we can and we keeping on telling ourselves that then not only will we believe but it will also come true if we dig deep and push ourselves and BELIEVE there is nothing in this world that can be impossible after all what the heart concieves the mind can achieve.

as so keep these few quotes in mind i think they hold great meaning !!

* Hold on to what’s important. Let your worries go. No matter how you look at it, some things just don’t make sense. The way you choose to carry on is what matters.
* Positive thinking isn’t about expecting the best to happen every time but, accepting that whatever happens is the best for this moment.

&& remember :
 Tell yourself:
Everything will work out.
Things will get better.
You are important.
... You are worthy of great things.
You are loveable.
The time is now.
This too, shall pass.
You can be who you really are.
The best is yet to come.
You are strong.
You can do this.
&& keep telling yourself this & you will believe trust me you will and this will then push you to achieve it.
so just always BELIEVE, be you no matter what because you may never know who out there is looking up to you and wanna be you as well as all the others who despises you for who you really are ... Love yourselves and accept your self because if you don't then no one else will as only you alone can determine your work so just keep your eyes on the prize and keep being you !!!

Later Lexxi @ Dem :)

Thursday 22 March 2012

Who Am I ?? Who Are You ?? --- Learn to love with all your heart and accept the unlovable side of others. For anyone can love a rose, but it takes a great heart to include the thorns !

Hey guys !! whats up ?? just wanna say hope u guys had a great day and stayed true to your selves this time around i'll just be talking about loving and accepting yourself and changing for no one or nothing because in a world like this people will hate you for being different and not living by society's standards, but deep down, they wish they had the courage to do the same ! i say why try to fit in when you where made to stand out !! god made you that way for a reason it was destined to be !!!! Love you !!- confidence with a little conceitedness is good in my eyes remember your unique there is no other like you.

 its your story its your life live it the way you please forever keeping yourself happy & comfortable !!

Remember You deserve a day where worries don’t get in the way of anything. A day where… even if some people are insensitive or unkind, you’re not going to mind because the blessings you received are far greater than the burdens you experience. Remember, stay positive!
a new song that i absolutely love and wanna share with you guys

enjoy your weekend Later Lexxi @ Dem :)

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you or makes you happy.

Hey guys whats up ? i wonder whats new has been happening well as i predicted i did have mad fun over the weekend can i tell u about it Awesome !!!! i hope u guys enjoyed yours.
so the topic as usual is life but what aspect are we approaching it from this time round ? well as the topic suggest letting go of the past and respecting one's self enough to be happy.
its as simple as this message:
“Once you realize that your past is just a story…it no longer has any power over you. SoWhen people hurt you over and over, think of them as sandpaper. They scratch and hurt you. But later, you’ll be shining and polished, while they end up useless or better yet worn out.
look at it as a thing where they are just getting you ready for life as well as helping you to eliminate the useless and unwanted things in your life so as to reach your destiny and to attain the plan has for you because remember everything happens for a reason so never say what if or if i knew never regret anything.. and never feel sorry that you met the person or persons that has done you wrong in life they are just test towards your faith and strength they are helping you, you may not see it now but in due time you will and when you do you will smile trust me as they are people who come in your life to stay those people leave a mark in you heart but there are also people who come in your life who are suppose to leave they are there to teach you a lesson and to open you eyes to issues that surrounds you as well as to show you paths your not suppose to go down or enter. so use them as learning tools and forgive them but never put them at the forefront of your life because nothing is worth your happiness!
Keep your heart free from HATE, your mind from WORRY, live SIMPLY, expect LITTLE, give MUCH. scatter SUNSHINE,think of YOURSELF and OTHERS !!!
So Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. As so i leave you with this quote & picture.
Life does not consist mainly, or even largely, of facts and happenings. It consists mainly of the storm of thoughts that are forever blowing through one's mind. -Mark Twain

Later Guys Lexxi @ Dem :)

Tuesday 13 March 2012

The Awesomeness of Believing !!!!

Hey guys im here again :) so here we go .. what's on the agenda today well first off let me start by saying i'm having a wonderful day thank you lord i hope ur enjoying yours as well did my test which was good in my opinion we will see when the results come out but im very confident in my self. plus i did my best.

So believing and having faith two of the best frenz a person can have in their life trust me i know this from experience others might call it conceited i call it knowing ones worth because if you don't believe in your self who will ?? remember - "I can do [[ALL]] things through CHRIST who strengthens me . . ." as so don't doubt yourself, Don't live by example :: Live by experience.. i keep on saying YOLO because it is true we only have one life to live and we should live it to its fullest do let fear prevent you from having an awesome moment always believe the only person that matters already believes in you #God 

Saw this and had to share it as i think it sums up all i wanted to say 

 you can dream all you want to but if you don't believe in your dreams then you're just thinking. Not that anything is wrong with thinking but, IT'S JUST THINKING. Belief is a by-product of your Faith. You can not have Faith if you don't believe. A beliefs in something will cause you not to give up on something or someone when it does something out of character. Like a business venture, or marriage, or your kids, or your dreams! Belief will cause you to see things through to the end. We all need to believe in something. You will not get much done without the belief in life to back you up. Belief pushes you pass you physical strength and causes you to do the IMPOSSIBLE. GOD wanted me to fail and not get up, it would have happened by now. The Awesomeness to believe again is inside all of us!
- Kevin Micale Anderson
 hope this little thought a made a difference for some one today !!! :)

So lets talk about me which is expected as always lol ......ohh can i tell u i am so awaiting the weekend should be fun-filled that's why im making sure i get all the work done and properly to by then gonna have major fun with the gang :).... make sure you guys do the same & never stop having faith and believing because even when a million people is out there telling you can't that one voice, God's voice is telling you yes and with that you need nothing else so enjoy the rest of your day have a productive week and if i don't get to hit you back by weekend have a rocking one.. be careful & Take care Later Lexxi @ Dem :)
so make sure to
 i plan to :) ps -->do remember to take care of those responsibilities tho :)

Monday 12 March 2012


 Life is so unpredictable i guess that is why they say expect the unexpected.Sometimes what we care about the most gets all used up or goes away, never to return. sometimes we never get a chance to say goodbye or i love you. life is so precious and yet so short. remember i gave you guys the task of evaluating the people around you choosing the keepers well by now i think the process should have brought about some results so my other task to you now is to let those people you chose know that they are important to you let them know they are keepers suppose one morning you never wake up. does all your family and frenz know you love them ?? let everyone know how you feel, even if you think they don't feel the same. it is amazing what three little words and a smile can do. its never bad to share a little love or a little joy !!!
As shown by God time and time again even in this life of many challenges he never leaves your side - remember God didn't promise days without pain laughter without sorrow sun without rain but he did promise strength for the day comfort for the tears and light for the way. even living person he wishes to bless so you should do the same even your enemies (Psalm 103). So remember to live love and laugh because you only have one life to live here today gone tomorrow don't wait for the moment to happen make it happen #YOLO !!... Have a blessed day and a productive week guys !! Later Lexxii @ Dem !! :)

Friday 9 March 2012

 hey guys continuing on the motivating and inspirational role tell yourselves I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply ALL my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy... so Don't chase people. Be you and do your own thing and work hard. The right people who belong in your life will come to you, and stay.
Later Lexxii @ Dem

"Never be afraid to fall apart because it is an opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been all along."

just an inspirational thought my lecturer sent to us his students and i really liked it and think it might help or motivate someone in some way or the other !!! so i just had to share !! 
its saying live & love life never give up :)
Big Up Gerry dha 1 yah a go hard !!! *smile*

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. 

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. 

We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' 

Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. 

Your playing small does not serve the world. 

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. 

We are all meant to shine, as children do. 

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. 

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. 

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. 

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” 

Thursday 8 March 2012

Good Friends Are Like Stars You Don't Always See Them But You Know They Are There :)

So i have my frenz yes but my good frenz and real true frenz i call them my family and ironically enough most of them if not all of them are my family :) as far fetched as it my sound my best frenz are my mummy and ma sis they are my sweethearts and my hunnie bunnie i absoluetly love them i love them by both choice and by a must ... daddy yea man him a mi thugs we sit and reason and drink love my daddy #1 man in my life !! so whenever im feeling down i just have to reach out to one of them & i know no matter what they will help me see the light and feel better when 1 of us is sad we all are said when 1 feels pain we all feel pain if you get the drift of where i'm going. all this jabbering is just to push the point of having people around you to support you is a need no man is an island no man stands alone we all need someone to lean on every now and then, someone to talk to and share a laugh with its necessary and it is indeed helpful :)

yups you know me i gtta give you guys sumn to listen and look at just to enforce my point :)  i wont say much on this as i know i have touched on this a bit in one of my post about family but i had the best convo's with ma Hunnie Bunnies and was feeling so good i wanted to spread some off the joy and laughter. plus in a couple more hours i'll start my weekend :) yaaaay !!!! i know im looking forward to it :) even with the work gna get it dne and then full enjoyment str88 u should do the same remember all work and no play makes jill or jack a dull boy or girl but never forget the responsibilities one have. so for the weekend i dare you to have fun, try something new and talk to someone new !!!! Enjoy the weekend and never forget to give praises to God !!! Remember this week is get to the point in other words "short sweet and spicy" so Later Y'all Lexxii @ Dem !! :)

The Universe added one more day in your life today; not necessarily because you need it, but because someone else might need you. Please don't get it twisted with "sucking Up" and being an "Impressionist" or focusing on someone that you totally forget to do & live for yourself !!

So lets start off with this saying "What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable" this quote brings so many things to mind huh ?? well for me i see where it can be both inspirational and a pain as well.. inspirational as it may motivate you to achieve and reach success but a pain in terms of having those people who "kiss up" sometimes to the point of annoyance. this can be seen as a noise factor with in communication - can i tell you that there is quite a few of those people around me and i would like to assume its because of my personality  but no its because of the association of my parents.. "people always wanting something"... and over doing it always telling me something and then doing and telling them (my parents) something else hence a hindrance in the communication cycle and the information flow is thrown off. Thank God for the trust we have with each other, i must say this is also another important factor within communication "TRUST" extremely important and shouldn't be taken likely as it is hard to gain as well as keep, another name for them is "pleasers" - learnt that one from my guest lecturer this week in my course organizational communication. :D "Go Lexxii u deh learn" lol can i tell you a very interesting presentation and very fun if i may say but seriously he was not joking about them being difficult to deal with for me i just simply delete them whenever they come around and whenever i pick them up. this topic is hot on my mind because i encountered one recently but i won't let them get on my nerves i'll just ignore them but i just had to acknowledge the fact and now that i have i also have to face the fact that they will always exist just have to learn how  to deal with them.
On a better note i hope you guys are being good and enjoying my blog  as you can see i have been touching or trying to touch on every aspect surrounding "Life" so that everyone can relate to something i have writtenand can have an input. anyway guys talk to you later was just checking in giving you something short and spicy :D *All Smiles* so enjoy your day & see u soon... Later Lexxii @ Dem !! P.s. Take the title of this piece into consideration it may be true & may help if your feeling down and low :) #Despite whatever give thanks for life !!!

Saturday 3 March 2012

Family !!! Small minds can’t comprehend big spirits. To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated, and misunderstood. Stay strong

Hey guys whats up ?? hope u are all good you guys are having an awesome weekend... i gtta say even with all this work to do i'm having a good weekend i'm on a roll man been smiling none stop.... can i tell you nothing like family i love mine so much they are the "Bestest" :D with them and their support its like when life gives you a thousand reasons to cry remember God has given you a thousand things to smile about and they are one of the main reasons ---> I Luv My Family !!! <3 <3 because to me a happy family is just like an early heaven

So just had to share the feeling guys and spread the happiness and you know i promised to keep you guys up to date with my feelings and happenings !!.. On that note later guys gtta finish the work... have a peaceful Sunday never forget to say a prayer of thanks & i'll see u guys next week... P.s. A house is made of Walls and bricks but a home is made of love & dreams ---> Later Lexxi @ Dem

Friday 2 March 2012

Here Is Some Wisdom - Praises be 2 God !!

Smooth roads never make good drivers, calm seas never make good sailors, clear skies never make good pilots. A problem free life never makes a strong person. Be strong enough to accept the challenges of life. Don't ask WHY ME ? instead say WITH GOD BY MY SIDE, TRY ME ! this is just one of those statements i use to help me get through the day, through my hard times because in life every man has to fall its how you get up that counts. Never give up ! God opens doors that no man can, no matter what we do there is blessings in everything - as i always say everything happens for a reason do question it work with it and go with the flow in due it will all reveal itself... so use the communication process to strengthen your relationship with God because he listens and he reacts, that's a fact i've seen it happen time after time again and use the barriers and noise from the process to block out Satan and all the negative people and things around you and in your surroundings ! TRY IT, IT WORKS !! Makes changes and evaluate your life make choices for yourself grab a hold of your life and take charge !
A thought for tomorrow : The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible. if you want to succeed in the world you must make your own opportunities as you go on. hence the man that waits for some seventh wave to toss him on dry land will find that the seventh wave is a long time coming. You can commit no greater folly than to sit by the roadside until someone comes along and invites you to ride with him to wealth or influence. think about that guys it holds great depth within it !! .. so on that note have a safe and fulfilling day tomorrow and a good weekend !! Have fun & remember Y.O.L.O --- > You Only Live Once !!!! so don't wait for the moment to happen make it happen, and say тσ∂αу ιѕ α gσσ∂ ∂αу :)

So ---> "If you need something to be grateful for then check your pulse. Always be thankful for the gift of life." Remember no one can love you as much as you can love yourself, be grateful for life & see everyday as a new adventure and a new opportunity Later Guys See you soon - Lexxii @ Dem !!!